This is Ian first "official" haircut. We had to cut the back of his hair once or twice at home b/c it was getting way to long. I was nervous about getting it cut. I didn't want to cut off his signature curls. He was nervous about it to. At first he didn't like it at all but then we started blowing bubbles and he thought that was pretty cool!
So we were out at MeMe's and Ian saw the riding lawn mower and being all boy that he is decided that it would be fun to climb on it. Then Joey thought Ian would enjoy going for a ride on it. Of course he loved it. As you can see. Once the ride was over Ian did not want to get off so he decided to just sit on it by himself. I have a feeling that he won't forget about it the next time we are there.
Ian used to hate wearing hates but then he figured out that daddy does it and tries to put on dad's so I got out his hat and he wore it for a while, alot longer than I thought he would. Doesn't he look grown up?? This is him riding his bouncy zebra w/ his hair bouncing in the wind. LOL. I haven't posted in a while so I will try to catch up. This is him just being his normal goofy self.
Ian loves his Jeep. He can't quite make it go on his on b/c the pedal is a little to stiff and hard for him to push but he sure does like it when mommy or daddy make it go. He also loves to just sit and play in it.